Tuesday, December 8, 2009

wanted...woman with boobs so big they can completely obscure small children's heads in photos...

*if there was ever such a want ad I would be SO in...Seriously I know I have gained weight since my car accident but nothing lets you know its time for the treadmill like looking at pics of you with your nephews and realizing one boob alone is as big as his head....

*speaking of big breasted woman like me- I like to say that if I was a dinasour I would be a boobasaurus- why is it that it is sooo hard to find sexy push up bra's for these puppies....I can hear my small breasted friends now saying 'what you think you get big boobs and nice bra's nahah sista!'. Come on girls..cut me some slack. I would love to have one that doesn't look like it was made in 1940. Okay they arent' that bad....but not good...

*one of my besties likes to moan about her small boobs- she says her shoulder blades are soooo big cause her breasts are actually inverted...that is some funny shit....

*and here is my fave new product that I think I will buy for all my best girlfriends...you know who you are:
Camel Ammo


  1. What size what size! I just got down to a D from a Double D and MAN OH MAN good push up bra's for The DD's are hard to find!

    I would like my Camel Ammo in pink please. :D
