Friday, November 6, 2009

It's a start......

I am sitting here on a Sunday afternoon reading some of my fave blogs and realized I have a lot of random garbage floating in my head that I need to jot down just because....which is my favourite reason to do anything...just because. I spent an hour reading my fave blog for randomness appropriately called Random Esquire. If you want to read something that can make you shoot tea out of your nose unexpectedly while snort laughing (snort laughing- the sexy pig like sound I sometimes make involuntarily while laughing hard) click here and read Random's prose. Warning- if you are offended easily don't go there... Actually it's due to him that I am starting this blog as I realized that he brings so much joy to my simple little day and really I am told I am sooo funny (by my mother, thanks mom) so who am I to not bring joy to others..... I have another blog where I share pics of handmade cards that I make but not sure how many of my blog readers I would lose if I shared just how sarcastic and twisted I am while extolling my colouring skills tee hee....

* I thought it appropriate to share that while creating this blog I am spending time with hubby. I am a very good wife and spend lots and lots of quality time with him to make him feel valued. FYI- quality time for us is sitting on opposite ends of our couch on laptops. I used to spend most of my time in the basement on my computer and he complained I hardly spent time with him. So I bought a laptop so we can be in the same room together. Laptop=good wife. Now he is in his glory having his beloved by him while he watches endless hours of the Food Network or some sort of Stargate show. Once in awhile I will IM him very filthy suggestive messages. That's how we roll....

*speaking of the Food Network we are currently watching Dinner Impossible where the chef gets a challenge to cook a crazy 'impossible' meal for a bajillion people. It's hard for me to watch this show- as the clock ticks on I swear I get anxiety's as if I have to cook a 5 course meal for a bajillion people in 12 hours.....I think I may have a few issues.

*more on the Food Network- hubby watches it every day for HOURS!! When I met him he was a cook for a very popular restaurant and as a result would cook incredible meals for me and my friends. Sad part was then I was extremely thin and didn't eat much as I was more focused on maintaining looks than enjoying the scrumptious meal he laid out. If someone had me look into a crystal ball back then and show me that we would still be together 16 years from then- much chubbier and at times wearing sweatpants (I know I know but they really are comfy) and said main man would still be interested in cooking but more on the side of watching it on tv while making meals I would have enjoyed the meals more and let myself eat instead of just nibbling. I find it incredibly....interesting...that said main man will watch 2-3 hours of Food Network per day but then make kraft dinner for supper 'because he doesn't know what else to make'. You could say that perhaps that is like me refusing to let hubby get rid of a guitar he bought me 15 years ago that I have never played but instead I insist on buying tons of guitar music books, how to play guitar dvd's etc because one day I will. But that would be unnecessarily harsh in my opinion. Plus how classy am I that I can have a guitar in my house, it ups my coolness factor by at least 10 digits. Let's be honest....if you saw it leaning up against my living room wall the first thing you would think is 'she is so artsy and cool'. It's a fact.

*while typing up this post my main man saw a commercial for baby formula. It starts with a view of a woman breastfeeding a baby- breast exposed...then switches to a baby with a bottle of formula. Main man with his boob radar looks up from laptop just in time for boobview. Looks out of the corner of his eye to see if I caught him watching and then looks at me for a full moment...weighing in on what to say clearly.... he went with 'wow- it's just like porn on tv--on a Sunday' and looked back at his laptop with a happy content smile. This is one of the reasons I love's the simple things in life that bring him joy..

well, that's enough for a first I think hubby is almost done cooking my supper. I think in honour of it being Sunday it may be a special meal with hotdogs mixed in with the kraft dinner- lucky day!

**edited to add hubby actually made a melt in your mouth roast beef seasoned perfectly, herb roasted root vegtables and gravy drizzled artfully over the plate and food. I know I know- I am an evil wife bwhahahaha. if you just said that...


  1. Heh heh.... your mom is right, pretty funny stuff!!

    astounding, actually...

  2. Oh please, RE is not that funny. *eye roll*

    Except really? Yeah, that blog IS hilarious. ;)
